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19 Aug. 2018 Falling Camille crosses a line in her investigation, Richard asks Jackie for more information about Marian's death, while Adora insists on caring for an ailing Amma. 26 Aug. 2018 Milk Concerned for Amma's safety, Camille puts her own life in jeopardy as she gets closer to the truth behind the shocking mysteries surrounding the Wind Gap killings. Season 1

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Informations Studio Lakeshore Entertainment Corporation Sortie 2006 Copyright © 2006 Screen Gems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Langues Principale Français (Sous-titre, Stéréo, Dolby) Additionnelle(s) Allemand (Sous-titre), Anglais (Royaume-Uni) (Sous-titre), Anglais (États-Unis) (Stéréo, Dolby), Arabe (Sous-titre), Chinois simplifié (Sous-titre), Chinois traditionnel (Sous-titre), Coréen (Sous-titre), Danois (Sous-titre), Espagnol (Sous-titre), Finnois (Sous-titre), Grec (Sous-titre), Hongrois (Sous-titre), Hébreu (Sous-titre), Italien (Sous-titre), Norvégien (Sous-titre), Néerlandais (Sous-titre), Polonais (Sous-titre), Suédois (Sous-titre), Tchèque (Sous-titre), Thaï (Sous-titre)

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Romántica 113 min Todos los públicos (TP) Título: Espera al último baile Título original: Save The Last Dance País: Estados Unidos Año: 2001 Duración: Guión: Duane Adler, Cheryl Edwards Intérprete: Julia Stiles, Sean Patrick Thomas, Terry Kinney, Bianca Lawson, Vince Green Director de fotografía: Robbie Greenberg Producción: Robert W. Cort, David Madden Música: Mark Isham Director: Thomas Carter SINOPSIS La pasión de Sara es el baile y su deseo es ir a la Juilliard School, la famosa escuela de arte de Nueva York. Sin embargo, sus sueños se hacen añicos cuando su madre muere en un accidente. Sara se traslada a vivir con su padre y en la nueva escuela conoce a Derek, un chico negro que la introduce en la cultura del hip-hop. ''Espera al último baile'' puso de manifiesto la revitalización de un subgénero, el musical juvenil, que tanto éxito tuvo a finales de la década de 1970 y principios de los 80, con títulos como ''Fiebre del sábado noche'', ''Footlose'' o ''Flashdance''. Con un presupuesto de sólo 10 millones de euros, esta película, que mezcla el argumento de ''West Side Story'' con el de ''Dirty Dancing'', consiguió recaudar en los Estados Unidos la friolera cifra de casi 175 millones.

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Watch it, set back, enjoy the country sides, river views, and plain ordinary people, doing exceptional things, to solve crimes, in rural France. Amazing series, keep it going folks, your fans love it! Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2019 They should fire the person in charge of the "weekly releases" which are NEVER on time. They make the work from people in Prime Video and the channels look more mediocre than it is, with so many mistakes and never checking if we can actually see the releases and that the information as the original language, captions and real date of original release is accurate (this series is from 2014, does it say so?, I didn't check yet). Sometimes I think they forget they make their money because we watch, if we all stop watching in Amazon they would have to go back and be graphic designers or start a blog.... :) (P. : NO EXECS DON'T READ THIS, but if rate of series and movies in a channels or channels go down because people doesn't like the way of what they pay for is delivered to them, and reviews are full of complaints about how many weeks a "weekly release" takes, somebody is going to care.

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